Carlos Beltran be wearing green-and-gold this summer? Well accord..."/> Carlos Beltran be wearing green-and-gold this summer? Well accord..."/>

Carlos Beltran On Oakland’s Radar?


Could Mets outfielder Carlos Beltran be wearing green-and-gold this summer? Well according to a recent posting on, the A’s could be a team looking to add some offense this summer.

The A’s offense ranks in the bottom half of all major offensive categories, and have been struggling at the plate for most of the young season. Oakland’s lineup would definitely welcome the likes of Beltran, who is hitting .282/.380/.513 with 5 HR and 18 RBIs through 35 games.

Who the A’s would give up in any deal for Beltran is still anyone’s guess, but I don’t think any of the A’s young bright pitchers (Brett Anderson, Trevor Cahill, Gio Gonzalez) would be included. The A’s covet their young rotation, but with the current team struggling to score runs, I also find it hard to believe that Billy Beane is going to stand around this season without addressing the lineup’s inability to score runs.

Oakland has the pitching depth to win the American League West, but it also lacks a considerable amount of offensive “punch.” A guy like Beltran, however, could change that. He’s that type of player, he’s a difference maker. 

The A’s revamped their outfield this past winter with the additions of Josh Willingham and David DeJesus, but only Willingham is providing the spark on offense. Willingham leads the team in home runs with 6, and RBIs with 22. He’s the A’s best offensive player so far, and an outfield that included both Willingham and Beltran would be a wonderful sight for A’s fans.

The Mets would probably want the world in return for Beltran, who has a trade clause, but the A’s are a team that desperately needs some offense. It could be a good fit, or it might not be.

It’s all speculation at this point, but if Beane and the rest of Oakland’s front office can pull of a deal with Sandy Alderson and the Mets, the A’s could become favorites to win the AL West.