Game 3 – Wednesday, April 8, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Game Attendance: 19,479
Season Attendance: 70,571
Lowest Attendance: 15,025 (Game 2)
Game Time: 2:55
Season Time: 8:10
Win Record: 2-1
Win Record vs Rangers: 2-1
Streak: W1
AL West Standing: 1st (Tied with Angels)
Magic Number: 160
Winning Pitcher: Scott Kazmir (1-0)
Losing Pitcher: Ross Detwiler (0-1)
Pitchers/Pitch Count: Kazmir/95, Otero/15, Alvarez/18
Total Pitches per game: 128
Total Pitches per season: 366
Game Home Runs: 0
Season Home Runs: 2
Game Runs: 10
Season Runs: 19
Runs Rank: 2nd
Run Differential: 16
Differential Rank: 1st
Game RBI Leader: Canha (4)
Season RBI Leader: Canha (4)
Most RBI’s in Single Game: 4 (Game 3)
Game RISP: 7 for 19
Game LOB: 9
Season RISP: 12 for 38
Season LOB: 23
Game Batting Average: .359
Lineup Batting Average: .283
Total Players Used in Game: 13
Most Players Used in Game: 13 (Tie Game 2 & 3)
Challenged Plays: 0 (There was an umpire review)
Total Challenged Plays: 1
Total Overturned Plays: 1
Special Notes:
Game 3 featured the MLB debut of Mark Canha and Tyler Ladendorf who both had excellent nights. Canha, in his first at bat, missed a grand slam by an inch which prompted an umpire review (not a challenge by the team). His hit was held as a bases clearing double. Later in the game he came a foot shy of a home run over the left field wall. Canha finished his day going 3 for 5 with 1 run and 4 RBI’s. He is the second Athletic since 1914 to have 4+ RBI’s in his major league debut.
Ladendorf did ok for himself, too, with a triple in his first at bat. He went 1 for 3 with a walk, 2 runs and 2 RBI’s. Because of the great outings from Ladendorf and Cahna, the Athletics are the first team since 1920 (when RBI’s began being counted) to have two players make MLB debuts and bring in 2 RBI’s each and Ladendorf is the first player to play second and left in his major league debut (since 1914).
Amid all the frenzy surrounding today’s rookie debuts, Scott Kazmir pitched 7 innings and gave up only one hit and one walk. The lone hit came off a bunt on the first pitch of the game that was oddly handled by Canha. Kazmir also struck out 10 and had pitches hitting 94 miles per hour.
Brett Lawrie, who completed the Golden Sombrero last night, went 3 for 5 tonight with 1 run. Ryan Rua, who broke Sonny Gray’s opening day no-hitter, grabbed the Golden Sombrero in tonight’s game.
Among teams with three games this week, the Athletics are tied with the Atlanta Braves for fewest runs allowed at 3.
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The #Athletics have tripled in each of the first three games of a season for the first time since at least 1914.
— Mike Selleck (@MikeSelleck) April 9, 2015
Next: Game 4 vs Texas Rangers