Of the multitude of entertaining, and seemingly desperate, things that Jose Canseco is known for on Twitter, we have his very one sided feud with Alex Rodriguez. Canseco has continually gone out of his way to bash Rodriguez, only to have nothing come of it. From offering to fight him to his attempts to break up his relationship with Jennifer Lopez, Canseco just cannot leave him alone.
Canseco got the news he had seemingly been waiting for on Friday. It was announced that Rodriguez and J-Lo had split up, their two year engagement having been called off. And naturally, Canseco had to shoot his shot.
Hey Jennifer Lopez by the way I am single And I can be faithful
— Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) March 12, 2021
Jose Canseco may not be the catch he thinks he is
One cannot blame him for trying. Chances are, Canseco is not the only person to send a tweet trying to get J-Lo’s attention now that she is no longer with Rodriguez. However, saying that he would fight for her except for his numerous injuries, and that he’s not just older than her, but also completely broke, is a strange way of trying to earn her affections.
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But one has to give Canseco credit. He had been claiming that this relationship would not last throughout the past few years, even claiming that he had proof that Rodriguez was cheating. It is easy to dismiss his tweets as the ravings of someone desperate to stay relevant or as delusional thoughts, but the same had been said of Canseco before.
After all, he was the one person who was correct about the steroid era and which players are juicing. He stood his ground then despite being ridiculed, with most people saying that he wrote his book to make a quick buck and the allegations were untrue. In the end, Canseco was proven right.
And maybe he was right all along here. Maybe he really did have proof that Rodriguez was cheating and his continual attempts to get in contact with his now ex-fiance with that proof were valid. At this point with Canseco, who can really know?
Jose Canseco has already taken his shot at Jennifer Lopez now that she has broken up with Alex Rodriguez. Frankly, we should not be surprised.